Thursday, November 24, 2016

I am thankful for...

Thanksgiving is officially here and about over. I have to admit it is one of my favorite holidays. It is really the only holiday where you can eat all day and do absolutely nothing. The days agenda usually follows as: sit, eat, sleep and repeat. If they ever want to make another movie similar to Groundhogs Day, then Turkey day would be it.

The true meaning of Thanksgiving is having family and friends close. But also being thankful for those within our lives. I love witnessing my kids laugh and smile throughout the day. Today, they decided to do yoga in the livingroom doing impossible positions together. While, my wife and I were in the kitchen cooking up the food for the day. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the important things in our life.

However, life can sometimes throw a curve ball that would jolt the system. Many years ago, when I was a student at Kelly School in Holyoke Massachusetts. I remember this skinny little girl with hair so bushy that it would be difficult to run a comb through it. She was a girly girl with a touch of a tomboy attitude. This little girl and I became friends. Throughout the years we would periodically run into each other and our friendship would continue. We went to different High Schools but yet we still knew each other. No matter the situation, over the years, we would see each other and instantly remember the bond that we had. Our bond was similar to a brother and sister type relationship.  

With the creation of social media, our friendship continued. Throughout our friendship, we both witness each other's ups and downs. Periodically sending comments of support and/or praise to each other. In September, I had noticed her posting items of hope and prayers for her future. Not knowing the true nature of the situation, I would send words of encouragement. In October she had revealed that she had cancer. It wasn’t until about the third week of October that I got a message that read, "hey I need a favor"

What followed was a discussion of how she was starting a new journey in her life and she wanted the world to see it. She wasn't doing this to gain publicity or gain recognition, but to honestly help others. After graduating from high school, she had gone to college and got a degree in nursing.  After graduating she became an extremely successful nurse with the core belief in helping others. No matter the situation, she is always willing to help others. 

Our initial conversation was about her vision. That cancer is such a destructive sickness that she wants to buck the system. She had witnessed how cancer takes control of her patients and how some patients do well and others do not. The goal was to not allow cancer control her. She also stated that most people don't realize they have cancer until it is sometimes too late. Because of this little fact, she feels that she can help others by showing her story. 

The mission is to have people witness her ups and downs while she travels down this new path in her life. The overall goal is to spread the word about cancer. Her goal is to make everyone aware and to not ignore a pain, bump, and/or mark. She wants you to go out and demand that mammogram or examination. This is not only a message for women, but for men as well. This message is the essence of what we believe in, Photography Focusing on Family, Love and God's Grace.

The photos presented were taken on November 5, 2016 during her Hair-cutting event. It was an honor for Vignetting Photography to be part of her event. Please enjoy and spread the word of Rosa’s Journey.

Her battle cry is "Nurse the Boobies" or #nursetheboobies
Below you will find a slide show within YouTube that shows more photos from Rosa's Haircut event. I am thankful for Family, Love and God's Grace...

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